Wellington Theatre Awards 2002

Loren Horsely, Miranda Manasiadis, Jermaine Clement, Taika Cohen
Ceremony Director
Danny Mulheron
Mark Amery - Sunday Star Times
Laurie Atkinson - The Evening Post
Lynn Freeman - Capital Times
Harry Ricketts - New Zealand Listener
John Smythe - The National Business Review
Nelson Wattie - Theatre News
The Absolutely Positively Outstanding New New Zealand Play of the Year
Trick of the Light by Ken Duncum
Also nominated:
The Daylight Atheist by Tom Scott
The Pickle King by Jacob Rajan & Justin Lewis
The Peter Harcourt Award for Outstanding New Writer of the Year
Peter Cox - The Plum Tree
Also nominated:
Megan Huber - Gravity
Tom Scott - The Daylight Atheist
Production of the Year
The Pickle King by Indian Ink
Also nominated:
Copenhagen directed by Ross Jolly
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? directed by Colin McColl
Most Original Production of the Year
Also nominated:
A Perfect Plan by Jealous
The Pickle King by Indian Ink
Most Promising Male Newcomer of the Year
Ben Barrington - East
Also nominated:
Aaron Alexander - East
Jarod Rawiri - The Prophet
Most Promising Female Newcomer of the Year
Erica Lowe - Hamlet
Also nominated:
Ansuya Nathan - The Pickle King
Ellen Simpson - The Underwatermelon Man
Costume Designer of the Year
Alice Tinning - Richard III
Also nominated:
Marilyn Sainty - The World's Wife
John Verryt - The Pickle King
Lighting Designer of the Year
Martyn Roberts - Copenhagen
Also nominated:
Jennifer Lal - A Perfect Plan
Nick Reeves - Gravity
Set Designer of the Year
Ross Gibbs - Gravity
Also nominated:
Tracey Monastra - A Perfect Plan
David Thornley - Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
Sound Designer of the Year
Peter Edge - Gravity
Also nominated:
Jeremy Cullen - Trick of the Light
Craig Sengelow - One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Outstanding Composer of Original Music
Don McGlashan - The World's Wife
Also nominated:
Flane Flaws & Peter Dasent with Arthur Baysting - The Underwatermelon Man
Michelle Scullion & Sarah Delahunty - Lifelines
Outstanding Performance
Grant Tilly - The Daylight Atheist
Outstanding Performance
Jacob Rajan - The Pickle King
Actress of the Year
Jennifer Ludlam - Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
Actor of the Year
Peter Hambleton - Copenhagen
Also nominated for acting awards:
Michele Amas - Trick of the Light
Ansuya Nathan - The Pickle King
Sally Stockwell - Proof
Supporting Actress of the Year
Donna Akersten - The Birthday Party
Also nominated:
Hera Dunleavy - Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
Alison Quigan - Leah
Supporting Actor of the Year
Toby Leach - Trick of the Light
Also nominated:
Nick Black - SAnD
Scott Wills - Ranterstrantum
Director of the Year
Colin McColl - Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
Also nominated:
Nick Blake - Black Comedy
Katherine McRae - Trick of the Light
Significant Contribution to Theatre
Red Mole